本指南的目的是帮助教师,职员和管理人员在他们的 efforts to enhance the educational and personal achievements of 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 通过提供一些十大靠谱棋牌游戏情境或环境的信息来帮助学生 专业咨询可能是有益的.

If you believe that any of your students may need 咨询 or help, please contact 随时拨打(626)585 -7273寻求帮助.


As college students face the evolving stages of adult development, they require knowledge, 技能和支持,如果他们要成功地应对这些挑战. 这是使命 个人辅导,以促进和改善学生的心理健康; 学习,社会和职业发展.

Because PCC students come from diverse backgrounds, 个人心理咨询 attempts to meet each student at his or her level of needs, whether the student is in a crisis 情况下,正在经历一个长期存在的问题所带来的压力增加 干扰在大学里的成功,或者预测即将到来的变化. 各种各样的 入学学生可以免费获得直接和间接的服务.

我们的主要服务是短期的个人心理咨询. 额外的 服务包括危机干预、心理评估、团体咨询、 信息和转诊,以及心理自助材料.

咨询与教师,职员和管理人员对学生事务提供 定期. 我们的工作人员包括有执照的心理学家,心理学博士预科 实习生和博士后注册心理学家.



Because of the frequency and special nature of their contacts with students, faculty 会员和学生服务人员在直接位置观察学生和 了解他们的需求. 此外,学生经常认为教师为学生服务 工作人员是获得建议和支持的第一联络点. 使用本指南 to help you best support your students and determine when professional services may 需要.

个人向心理咨询师寻求帮助的原因也是多种多样的 作为人自己. 学生寻求心理咨询的动机可能从 wishing to solve a particular problem to desiring to enhance his or her personal development. In any case, the following indicators might be useful in making a decision about referring 一个学生去个人咨询. 防止可能的过度解释 单个或孤立的行为,建议寻找群集的迹象 几乎同时出现.

  1. 明确需要帮助

    寻求帮助解决问题的愿望可以直接或间接地表达出来. 为 this reason, it is important not only to attend to the content of what a student may 同时也要理解信息背后的意图和感受. 听 包括听你的学生说什么,注意他们使用的语气,并观察 他们的表情和手势. 事实上,让某人专心听一个表达 of a problematic feeling or thought is often a cathartic experience for the speaker 哪一种甚至能让个人感觉更好.

  2. 提及自杀

    它是 often necessary to distinguish between a theoretical or hypothetical discussion 自杀和一份反映个人真实痛苦的声明. 然而,如果个人 谈论或暗示他们如何、何时或在哪里思考的细节 自杀,那么需要立即转诊. 不管情况如何 从上下文来看,任何十大靠谱棋牌游戏自杀的说法都应该被认为是严肃的. 它是 extremely risky to conclude or assume that a student's suicidal talk is simply a bid 注意. 对自杀的严重性和可能的致命性的判断 thought or gesture should not be made without consultation with a mental health professional.

  3. 情绪或行为的变化

    Inconsistent actions compared to normal behavior may indicate that someone is experiencing 心理压力. 那些从日常社交活动中退缩的学生,表现得很好 an unwillingness to communicate, commit asocial acts, have unexplained crying spells or outbursts of anger, or demonstrate unusual irritability may be suffering from symptoms 与心理问题有关的.

  4. 焦虑和抑郁

    焦虑和抑郁是两种更常见的心理障碍 会给学生带来严重的问题吗. 当这些情绪状态变得严重时, 它们会损害一个人的正常功能. 当一个学生的能力发挥作用 in a normal manner is becoming heavily affected by anxiety or depression, some kind 建议提供专业协助.

  5. 心理生理症状

    经历紧张性头痛、恶心或其他身体疼痛的学生 which have no apparent physical cause may be experiencing psychophysiological symptoms. 这些症状对个体来说是真实的,疼痛也是真实的. 其他身体症状 of possible problems may include a loss of appetite, excessive sleeping, or gastrointestinal 痛苦.

  6. 人际关系的创伤性变化

    个人问题通常会在个人经历创伤性变化时产生 人际关系. 家庭成员或亲密朋友的死亡,分手 of relationships, parental divorce, changes in family responsibilities, or difficulties 财务问题都可能导致压力增加和心理问题.

  7. 吸毒和酗酒

    Indications of excessive drinking or other substance abuses are almost always indicative 心理问题. 经常缺勤、迟到、错过作业、嗜睡、 注意力不集中,表现不稳定可能意味着滥用药物.

  8. 职业选择问题

    它是 rather common for college students to go through periods of career indecision 和不确定性. 这样的经历往往以不满为特征 an academic major, unrealistic career aspirations, or confusion with regard to interests, 能力或价值观. 然而,长期的优柔寡断会使人衰弱, and many students need assistance in developing alternative goals when previous decisions 证明需要修改.

  9. 学习问题

    Many students find the demands of college-level academic work to be greater than they 预期. 虽然预计所有的学生都将经历一些调整 period in this regard, those who demonstrate a consistent discrepancy between their 他们的表现和潜力可能需要帮助. 不良的学习习惯,使人丧失能力 test anxiety, or repeated absences from class are all situations might benefit from 个人心理咨询.

  10. 保留的问题

    个人咨询服务可以有效地防止学生流失. 学生 who are considering dropping out of school or worrying about possible academic failure 可能会发现咨询是一个有用的资源,以协助作出决定.


Aside from the signs or symptoms that may suggest the need for 咨询, t在这里 are other guidelines which may help the faculty or staff member define the limits of his 或者她对某个学生的问题的介入. 通常需要转诊 在下列情况下:

  1. a student presents a problem or requests information outside your range of knowledge;
  2. 你觉得你和别人之间的性格差异无法解决 学生会干扰你帮助学生;
  3. the problem is personal, and you know the student on other than a professional basis (朋友、邻居、亲戚等.);
  4. a student is reluctant to discuss a problem with you for some reason; or
  5. 你认为你对学生的劝告没有效果


When you have determined that a student might benefit from professional 咨询, it is usually best to arrange a private conference and speak directly to the student 用一种直截了当的方式来表达你对他或她的关心. 它是 not advisable to attempt to deceive or trick the student into consulting a psychologist. 明确说明这个建议代表了你最好的专业判断 根据你对学生行为的观察. 具体的行为 这引起了你的关注,避免对学生进行概括. You may wish to discuss your concerns with the divisional dean and document, in your 自己的笔记,你和学生的会议.

Except in emergencies, the option must be left open for the student to accept or refuse 咨询. 如果学生出于任何原因怀疑或不情愿,简单地表达出来 your acceptance of those feelings so that your own relationship with the student is 不危及. 给学生一个考虑其他选择的机会 暗示有更多的时间去思考. 你可能希望给PCC个人咨询书签 作为参考. 如果学生断然说“不”,那就尊重他的决定 并再次为以后可能重新考虑的情况留下余地. If you push the issue too far, insisting, prodding or appearing as an authoritarian parent, 你可能会关闭未来交流的大门. 最重要的是,不要着急. 除非它 有明确的紧急事项,慢慢走.

If the student agrees to the referral, move directly and decisively toward arranging an appointment with 个人心理咨询; this will help the student feel confident 在你力所能及的范围内. 当学生在场时,打电话给个人咨询办公室 (x7273),让他或她直接到我们的办公室来. 在适当的情况下, 建议,在他们允许的情况下,你将信息提供给心理学家 十大靠谱棋牌游戏问题的本质. 第一次预约通常安排在 几天的学生的要求. 最后,你可能想要跟进 student at a later date to show your continued interest even if the student did not 继续寻求帮助.

学生 requiring urgent help because of psychological difficulties may be seen during 非预约时间或紧急情况. 目前的预约时间和扩大的预约时间 期末考试的时间安排可以从个人咨询处获得. 在紧急情况下 请在办公时间致电个人咨询(626)585-7273. 寻求帮助 在其他时间,请致电校园警察和安全服务(626)585-7484.


它是 important for members of the college community to understand that the interviews 心理咨询人员所进行的咨询都是保密的. 十大靠谱棋牌游戏这些的信息 interviews or the content of such interviews cannot be released except upon a student's written request, in circumstances which would result in clear danger to the individual 或其他,或法律所要求的. 个人咨询严格遵守这一点 政策.

If a faculty or staff member is interested in a student's contact with 个人心理咨询, 直接从学生那里获得信息是最好的. 应该指出的是 学生不像心理学家那样受到保密承诺的约束 都有义务.


The 个人心理咨询 staff provides consultation services to faculty, staff, and 管理员. 这些咨询通常关注学生的行为问题 problems which occur in classrooms or on campus, or other issues that may have important 心理维度. 请致电(626)585-7273或在此期间到D203 我们的办公时间.

向危机预防和反应小组(C-PART)报告有关学生 是鼓励的,如果教师,职员或管理员认为合适的. 提交 an 事故报告 may serve as the basis for a C-PART risk assessment investigation, wellness or academic 干预和/或启动学生行为过程.

Please note that C-PART referrals are reviewed during business hours and may not be 立即解决. 如欲提交事故报告,请按 在这里.

本指南由Kent T. 山内,Ph值.D.咨询心理学家.
Special acknowledgment for the technical assistance in the development of this handout 是给心理咨询中心的吗 & 特拉华大学学生发展 以及弗吉尼亚理工学院的大学咨询服务中心 & 州立大学.